Timeless Red Roses - 12 Roses
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

One dozen long stem red roses adorned with babies breath. If classic and traditional are the two constant factors in your style statement, then nothing can be a better choice for you than this ‘Timeless Red Bouquet’. Long-stemmed Red Roses placed in a clear vase, this is the best romantic gift for you to give to your loved ones.

Red Roses are one of the most widely-known symbols of love, passion, and romance. From the ancient royals to the 21st-century commoners, every flower lover throughout the ages has been charmed by the beauty and elegance of Red Roses. This bouquet will be a perfect gift for a romantic evening, no matter the occasion. If it has anything to do with romance, this is the perfect no worry choice.

Timeless Red Roses - 12 Roses



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